Thank you for your interest in custom controls by Bennet-Tec Information Systems. The VBX's included on this disk will work in RunTime mode (as part of a compiled EXE ) only. You may freely distribute the HT_DEM.ZIP file without changes. ALLText is a multiple font custom control text box designed for Visual Basic programmers by Bennet-Tec Information Systems. ALLText supports the simultaneous display of multiple fonts, font characteristics and up to 16 colos; paragraph formatting; and even the inclusion of a bit mapped background to the control. Using ALLText, you can include a WYSIWYG edit/display textbox as part of your Visual Basic program. The ALLText window looks like a text box (no button bars or menus - you can design your own interface). ---------------------- ALLTEXT 3.0 Features: CHARACTER FORMATTING Properties act upon a selected string, or current cursor location. All formatting properties may be written or read. FontFamily, FontName, FontSize ex: ATX.FntName="Arial" Bold, Underline, Italic, StrikeThrough, Sub/Super, etc ex: ATX.FntBold=1 Colors - the 16 QBColor Settings are supported ex: ATX.FntColor=QbColor(9) Custom Shadowing - a little more complicated ex: FntShadow=n% 'n% may be determined by a function we 'provide Use of font tables and embedded codes ex: SelFText="\f1 \cf3 This text would be fomatted according to the first entry in a font table which could be Arial Bold Underline 13 pt, and the color pointed to by QBColor(3)." ex: ATX.FontIndex=3 'sets current text to font 3 in your font table. PARAGRAPH FORMATTING Set or read via properties - it's easy. Alignment: centered, left, right or left/right justify ex: ATX.Alignment=1 Margins: left, right margins, and first line indents for hanging indents ex: ATX.LeftMarg=300 '(measured in twips) Vertical spacing (top, bottom, linespacing) ex: ATX.Top=400 '(measured in twips) WRITE PROTECT ALLText supports several WriteProtect modes, allowing display and programmatic text manipulation, while controlling the degree of access the user has to the document. Ex: ATX.WRiteProtect=Protect_Keyboard ' Prevent end-user changes. ATX.WriteProtect=Total ' or don't even let him copy from the screen OFF SCREEN TEXT PREPARATION ALLText allows you to manipulate text without the end-user seeing all the manipulations. Ex: wp%=ATX.WriteProtect ' save the writeprotect setting ATX.WriteProtect=ATX_Protect_Screen ' prevent updates to screen ..... 'do all your selections and content manipulations here ' without the end-user's awareness .... ATX.WriteProtect=wp% 'return to previous mode and update the screen BACKGROUND BITMAP ALLText supports a unique BitMapped Background. Any bitmapped image can be displayed and positioned BETWEEN the standard background (choice of colors) and the text. This can be used for special effects such as animation within the text box or sliding windows to hide or reveal colored text. ex: ATX.tPicture=LoadPicture("a_bitmap.BMP") ATX.tPictureX=300: ATX.tPictureY=500 ' set top left position EASY I/O ALLText can handle I/O automatically, just set the filetype, FineName and tell it to do it's thing ex: ATX.FileName="E:\Funny.ATX" ATX.DataType=DataFormat_ATX ATX.FileLoad=1 'initiate loading Of course you can get at the formatted content via strings and handle I/O yourself via VB. In fact we've got quite a few ways to allow you to go about this. ------------------------ In addition to the standard edition, we now have our hypertext enhanced ALLText HT/Pro edition. ALLText HT/Pro supports all of the above 3.0 features and then adds: 1. RTF support (level 1 - no tables, or footers, etc) 2. Data Aware (use with data control for easy database manipulations) 3. Ability to tag a phrase for Hypertext - set or read just like a font property, ATX.HTag=22 4. Second MousePointer - automatically used when over Tagged region 5. Triggers Hotspot Enter and Leave Events for mouse and cursor movements 6. Find_HTag - moves cursor to a given occurance of a tagged phrase 7. Paragraph Borders - any or all sides, single, double, or shadowed 8. Aligned Tabs - Left, right, centered (note that centered and right tabs work on a single word, not a set of words. 9. Embedded OLE 1 objects - look like embedded bitmaps, but can actually link to excel, paintbrush, etc. -------------------- For further information, you may reach us at: Bennet-Tec Information Systems 10 Steuben Drive, Jericho, NY 11753 Electronic Mail: 71201.1075@Compuserve.Com Phone: (516) 433-6283 Fax: (516) 822-2679